
Color is energy
You will find yourself drawn to one color more than others.
The energy vibration of that color is what you need, at this moment, in order to improve and balance your emotional state.
Our body absorbs color energy for nourishment daily, not just from light but, from a balance of different vitamins, food, herbs, sound, minerals, clothes, and decor.
Scientist have shown that color not only affects one's psychological behavior, energy and moods but, also affects our physiological process in helping us to relieve stress ,balance heart rates, detoxify, or stimulate our immune system.
We use colors to represent what Sabbat we might be celebrating or to promote certain feelings and results that are needed in our Wiccan Rituals.
Color is also very important when dealing with Chakras and Auras and can help you determine what color you might need to wear today in order to pass that test or get that house you've been trying to buy.
Whatever your goal in magick or everyday life may be, color is a very important and useful tool.
Color Healing
Feed Chakras with color