Water Element
Symbol - a triangle pointing down
Quarter/Direction: West.
Rules: compassion, courage, daring, Emotions, feelings, fertility, friendship, generation, healing, intuition, lakes, Love, mystery, the ocean, pools, rivers, sleep, sorrow, springs, streams, the tides, the unconscious mind, wells, the womb.
Time: Twilight.
Season: Autumn.
Colors: Blue, blue-green, green, gray, indigo, black.
Signs of the Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Tools: Cup.
Spirits: Undines, ruled by King Niksa.
Angel: Gabriel.
Name of the West Wind: Zephyrus.
Sense: Taste.
Jewel: Aquamarine
Stones: Aquamarine, jade, malachite, moonstone
Herbs: Jasmine, lilac, valerian, gardenia, rose, sandalwood
Incense: Myrrh.
Plants: Ferns, lotus, mosses, rushes, seaweed, water lilies, and all water plants.
Tree: Willow.
Animals: Dragons (as serpents), dolphins and porpoises, fish, seals and sea mammals, water-dwelling snakes, all water creatures and sea birds.
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat.
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Llyr, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon.