Ostara Chicken

Ingredients: Melt butter in a large skillet.
For prosperity of your crops (and other projects!), add almonds. Sauté until they are as golden as the sunlight which grows stronger with each passing day of spring. Sift the almonds out of the butter and set them aside in a round bowl, preferably yellow to symbolize the sun.

Add oil to the skillet you used to sauté the almonds. Place the chicken in the skillet and sauté it until it, too, is golden like the sun. Cover the skillet and cook on low for about 40 minutes.

While the chicken cooks, select oranges - None for money, one for luck, and the third for love in the new season. Imagine the fortunes that come with each. Make a small hole in the top of the first two oranges and squeeze the juice into a cup. Peel the third oranges with your bare hands, remove the seeds and skins and place meat of the orange in the cup with the juice.

Remove the chicken from the skillet and reserve the cooking juices from the skillet. Mix the squeezed orange juice, orange meat, and sugar in the skillet with its reserved juices.

Boil for about 2 minutes or until the mixture thickens to sauce. While the sauce boils, visualize the coming of a season filled with light and warmth and the return of prosperity and hope.

When the sauce is ready, pour it over the chicken. Sprinkle the almonds over the entire dish and serve hot, like the sun.

Makes 4 servings--perfect for a small Ostara feast.

(If you can’t make meal exactly as described or don’t like an ingredient, not to worry, the real secret ingredient in these kitchen spells is YOU, not the garlic! Feel free to improvise!)

From Gifts for the Goddess on a Warm Spring Morn
C2001 by Lorna Tedder and Aislinn Bailey
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