
Asafoetida is actually a gum resin that comes from the plant's root, rather than a typical herb. It is best known for it's extremely bitter smell. The plant grows to over 7 feet in height and is native to Afghanistan, with fine yellow flowers similar to dill.

Latin: Ferula foetida
Common names: none

Using in rituals
Asafoetida is not a commonly used herb in magick, likely because of its terrible smell. It's seen more often in Santeria or Vodun spells rather than Wiccan ones. Its primary use in magick is for exorcism, hex breaking and the banishing of negative energy or spirits.

If you are unable (or unwilling) to use asafoetida, you can substitute valerian instead. If you do try to keep asafoetida around, I highly recommend an air-tight container. The smell is very potent.

Planet: Mars
Element: Fire

Herb Index