Tonka Beans

The tonka bean is the bean from the tonka tree (go figure). The beans are black, wrinkly, and about the size and shape of a large almond. The tree is native to South America. The beans are quite aromatic with a sweet, herby smell. It has been used as a flavouring in the past, but recent studies have shown that the main ingredient in the beans (coumarin) may be carcinogenic.
Latin: Dipteryx odorata or Coumarouma odorata
Common names: Tonquin beans, coumaria nuts

Using in rituals
Tonka beans are excellent for use in charm bags because of their large, solid nature. You can even just carry them alone in a pocket or purse. These beans are used for all forms of good luck, be it in finances, love, health or anything else. They can also help keep your spirits up during difficult times. Sometimes the oil from the tonka plant is used, but it's most commonly the beans. Tonka beans are a common item in Vodou magick. No tonka in the house? You can use woodruff or vanilla beans instead.

Planet: Venus
Element: Water

Herb Index