Bartender's Cup
Bob Marley Day (Jamaica)
Cattle Day -The ten days beginning with Chinese New Year are named after animals and plants. The fifth day is Cattle Day. It is also the day when people resume their ordinary lives.
CCM Day (Tanzania)
Chama Cha Mapinduzi Day (aka CCM; Tanzania)
Constitution Day (Mexico)
Disaster Day
Japanese Martyr Day
Lailatul Quadr (Night of Power)
National Chocolate Fondue Day
National Girls and Women in Sports Day
National Weatherperson' s Day
Primrose Day
St Blaise
St. Agatha's Day (patron of Malta, nurses, jewelers, bell makers, bell ringers, wet nurses; against fire, breast cancer)
St. Avitus' Day
Wyrd's Day (Celtic Goddess of Fortune Telling)