
This was what the Goddess Isis did:
after she had mourned Osiris,
she made wind with her wings
and flew on her own power
around the world, in grief,
never resting until she found him.
And when she found him,
motionless and dead,
she drew out his essence
and created new life.
~Egyptian Song Of Isis

After the dark times of loss, we somehow find strength to go on. Whether we have lost a job or a relationship, a loved one to death or a home to disaster or divorce, we struggle back to life. We do the laundry, we answer the mail, we watch the clouds sweep across the sky. Slowly, the pain of loss finds its place in our life, and one day we wake up to find ourselves truly alive again. The mystery of the soul's healing after loss has never been better expressed than in the great Egyptian myth of Isis. The goddess loses her beloved husband-brother Osiris not once, but twice. And each time she seeks him out and finds a way to bring him back to life. The first time she truly reinvigorates him, but the second time he is dismembered and lost to her completely. Nonetheless, she finds a way to bring life out of death. On this day, when the ancient Egyptians celebrated the second great feast if Isis, the Night of the Drop, let us meditate on life's healing potential.

~Patricia Monaghan ~ From "The Goddess Companion"

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