
Excerpted from the book: A goddess is a girl's best friend by Sue Brockway
Claim your victories in life with Nike

JUST DO IT-Nike commercial
Nike is a girl's best friend when it comes to focusing and achieving success at the highest levels and attaining victories of all kinds. She brings a focused, edgy, and active approach to life, work, and home. She represents success on all levels, personal greatness, and winning at the game of life.

WHO is Nike?
Nike (pronounced nee-kay) is the Greek goddess of victories. The daughter of the giant Pallas and the River Styx, she is fierce and focused winged river goddess, known for her ability to sprint, get to the finish line of victory and celebrating it. She is famous for her victories in war battles. Considered the divine messenger who brings the coveted laurel wreath to victors, she is the goddess to whom the ancients prayed when they competed.

Inviting Nike into your life
*1. Build a victory altar. Place a jar in the middle and each time you have a success place it in there. On the outside write the victories you wish to achieve on paper and lay inside a wreath.(note: the wreath should be placed around the jar, and the little hoped for achievements papers should be tucked into the wreath, while accomplished ones place inside.)
*2. Keep images of Nike with Athena. Replicas are easy to get. Athena is usually dressed in armor, while Nike is more feminine. Athena and Nike work closely together.
*3. Keep a bowl of Laurel bay leaves in your house or on your victory alter.
They symbolize protection and manifestation.
*4. Victory rituals-Celebrate your successes!
*5. make offerings to Nike-she prefers peach or orange juice.

Prayer to Nike
With the fleet of foot and wings, please bring your grace to the manifestation of these goals I set before you. Bring me strength, stamina, and passion to make my goals come alive!
Thank you, This is my will so mote it be!

Advice from Nike
Take responsibility for your life and your decisions.
Be impeccable in al you do.
face challenges head on
Don't listen to negative people
Choose your battles wisely
Take charge of your own life.
Connecting with Nike
*Wear her on you, Though the Nike shoe company may be happy with this
suggestion, just seeing the Nike name will help you remember her!
*Running and exercise will help you intone with her
*Watching birds in flight will remind you of her swiftness to victory.


Greek Gods and Goddess
God and Goddess Index